- Math WB - pages 109-112
- Math SA2 Rev Paper 1
- Science SA2 Rev Paper 1
- Show and ask parents to sign English Quiz. Do comprehension corrections.
- English Grammar WS
1) English Unit 10 WS - Rat's Nest
2) Math WS (Chapters 9 - 11)
3) Science WS Light and Shadows (1) and (2)
4) Science WS Heat and Temperature (1)
5) English Accelerated WS
- Bring a rag for Use Your Hands Campaign when school reopens.
- Return Library Bulk Loan storybooks on Monday.
Dear children, there are new dates for our P4 Character Trail and Innochef.
Please leave a comment if your parents will be able to volunteer for either of the school programme.
Thank you!
P4 Character Trail - 11 September (Tues)
P4 Innochef - 12 September (Wed) 2.30-5.30pm
My mother will be coming for the innochef programme.